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Köp cd med Radiohead

Radiohead - Pop is Dead

Oh no, pop is dead
Long live pop.
It died an ugly death,
By back catalogue.

And know you know it gets you nowhere,
And now you know you realise.

Oh no, pop is dead
It just gave up,
We raise the dead but they won’t stand up.

And radio have salmonella,
And now you know you gotta die.
It left this message for us.

So what, pop is dead, it’s no great loss
So many face lifts, it’s face flew off.

The emperor he has no clothes on,
And his skin is pealing off.

Oh no, pop is dead, long live pop,
One final lot of coke to jack him off...
Jack him off.. he left this message for us.

He left this message for us.
He left this message for us.


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