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Köp cd med Cracker

Cracker - Take Me Down to The Infirmary

(intro:f-bb-f) f-c-dm-f-bb-g#-f-c-f-bb-f
C-(c#)-dm-f-bb-dm-c-dm-bb-f-bb-f (ending: bb-f-bb-f)

Take me down
To the infirmary
Lay me down
On cotton sheets
Put a damp cloth
On my forehead
Lay me down
And let me sleep

I know the whiskey won’t soothe my soul
And the morphine won’t heal my heart
But if you take me down to the infirmary
I won’t have to sleep or drink alone.

So, take me down
To the infirmary
Walk a sound that is as blue as her eyes
Oh, sister magdelene won’t you fetch the
Doctor’s flask.
He is going to need a steady
A steady hand

I know the whiskey it won’t soothe my soul
And the morphine won’t heal my heart
But if you take me down to the infirmary
I won’t have to sleep or drink alone.

So, take me down
To the infirmary
Lay me down on cotton sheets
Put a damp cloth on my forehead
Lay me down let me sleep
Lay me down let me sleep


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