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Köp cd med Blondie

Blondie - Cautious Lip

All the way down do it.
Another way down.
Why, yeah.
What do you know huh?
I seen you skip that cautious lip.
Now tell me this through that cautious lip.
You can be bit as I make you it.
I seen you skip that cautious lip.
A chance you’ll fit that cautious lip.
It’s just these things, not really gifts.
It’s just these things, not really gifts.
I seen you skip that cautious lip.
I seen you skip that cautious lip, but never miss my bouncing hips.
A girl so sweet.
A love so strong.
I seen you skip, I see you tip.
You can be bit as I make you it.
I seen you skip that cautious lip.
Ah I seen you skip that cautious lip.
Cautious lip cautious lip.
You can be bit.
I’ll make you it.
I seen you skip.
Cautious lip.
Change your fit.
Skip of the lip.
Oh oh not really get.
Skip lip oh oh arggghhhhh ah ah!
Whats going on?
No way.


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