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Köp cd med Adrian Belew

Adrian Belew - Thela Hun Ginjeet

Thela hun ginjeet thela hun ginjeet
Qua tari mei thela hun ginjeet
Qua tari mei heat in the jungle street

Well, first of all, I couldn’t see his face...he was holding a gun
Against me and...um....i was thinking this is a dangerous place
Well, this is a dangerous place

Thela hun ginjeet thela hun ginjeet
Qua tari mei thela hun ginjeet
Qua tari mei heat in the jungle street

I say I’m nervous as hell from this thing ’cause those guys were
Gonna kill me for sure...i mean they ganged up on me like that,
I couldn’t believe it! look I’m still shaking. it’s weird.
Go out on the streets like this...you can’t...dangerous place,
It’s a dangerous place

So suddenly these two guys appear in front of me...stop...real
Aggressive...start at me, ya know, what...what’s that, what’s that
On that tape, whata you got there, I said, it’s a tape,

Whata you talkin’ into that for? I said, it’s just a tape, ’ya know,
They said, well play it for us, I said, oh no! I put them off
As long as I could and finally they turned it on, ya know, they
Grabbed it from me, took it away from me, turned it on and it says,

He held a gun in his hand; this is a dangerous place, they said,
What dangerous place, what gun-you a policeman!!
The deeper I talked the worse I got into it. I talk-i told em I said,
Look man, I’m not talk-, it went on forever, anyway, I finally
Unbuttoned my shirt an said, look, look, I’m in this band here, ya know,
I’m in this band, ya know, and we’re making a recording, ya know,
It’s just about new york city, it’s about crime in the streets;
The explanation was goin’ nowhere, but finally they just kinda let me go,
I don’t know why...so I walk around the corner, I’m shakin’ like a leaf
Now an’ I thought this is a dangerous place once again, ya know...
Who should appear but two policemen...

Thela hun ginjeet thela hun ginjeet
Thela hun ginjeet thela hun ginjeet

Well this is a dangerous place...you know I could’ve been killed.
Ya know, what really scary is when these guys gather around you and...
The explanation that I had...i just, I just remember thinking
This is a dangerous place to live...


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