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Köp cd med Pizzicato Five

Pizzicato Five - Introduction

Translators: andrei cunha
Man from studio: hai sassoku

O-kiraku gokuraku kara ne

Ugo-ugo kun: o-nen-ne
O-nen-ne toka

Lhuga-chan: (laughs)

Man: hai ii?

Lhuga-chan: ochitsuite yo

Man: oi, chanto tatte,
Tatte ita ho ga ii.
(asks someone else:)
Tatta ho ga ii desu ka?

Ugo-ugo kun: hora

Man: daijobu.
Swatta mama
No ho ga ii desu ka?
Hai ja.
O-kiraku gokuraku
Kara ne.

Ugo-ugo and lhuga:
O-kiraku gokuraku!

Man from studio: ok let’s do it.
Start from ’o-kiraku gokuraku’ (*)

Ugo-ugo kun: hush hush
Little baby...

Lhuga-chan: (laughs)

Man: you’re ready?

Lhuga-chan: calm down!

Man: hey you! be a nice boy
And stand up.
(asks someone else:)
Should they be standing up?

Ugo-ugo kun: look out!
You’re spilling this
All over the place.

Man: it’s ok.
Should they be
Ok we’re all set.
Start from
’o-kiraku gokuraku’

Ugo-ugo and lhuga:
O-kiraku gokuraku!


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